1. Expectancy Violation Theory
1. Assumption – people make predictions about nonverbal behavior.
2. Territoriality – person’s ownership of an area or object.
3. Personal distance - spatial zone of 18 inches to 4 feet, reserved for family and friends.
4. Arousal - increased or attention when deviations from expectations occur.
5. Interactional expectations - an individual’s ability to carry out the interaction.
2. Social Exchange Theory
1. Dispositional matrix – the beliefs you have about relationships.
2. Behavioral Sequence – a series of actions designed to achieve a goal.
3. Outcome – whether people continue in a relationship or terminate it.
3. Uncertainty Reduction Theory
1. Reactivity searching – a passive strategy involving watching a person doing something.
2. Disinhabition searching – a passive strategy involving watching a person’s natural or uninhabited behaviour in an informal environment.
3. Relational uncertainty – a lack of certainty about the future and status of a relationship
4. Uncertainty avoidance – an attempt to avoid ambiguous situations
4. Social Penetration theory
1. Social penetration – process of bonding that moves a relationship from superficial to more intimate.
2. Orientation stage – stage of social penetration that includes revealing small parts of ourselves
3. Personal idioms – private, intimate, expressions stated in a relationship
5. Group think
1. Task-oriented groups – sets of individuals whose main goal is to work toward completing jobs assigned to them
2. Problem solving group – sets of individuals whose main task is to make decisions and provide policy recommendations.
3. Concurrence seeking – efforts to search out group consensus
4. Illusion of invulnerability – belief that the group is special enough to overcome obstacles.
5. Belief in the inherent morality of the group – assumption that one group members are thoughtful and good; therefore, the decisions they make will be good.
6. Closed-mindedness – a group’s willingness to ignore differences in people and warnings about poor group decisions.
7. Out-group stereotypes – stereotyped perceptions of group enemies or competitors.
8. Collective rationalization – situation in which group members ignore warnings about their decisions.
9. Pressures on dissenters – direct influence on group members who provide thoughts contrary to the group’s.
10. Whistle-blowing – process in which individuals report unethical or illegal behaviors or practices to others. Conscientious objectors – Group members who refuse to participate because it would violate personal conscience.
6. Symbolic Interaction Theory
1. Self-fulfillng prophecy - a prediction about yourself causing you to behave in such a way that it comes true.
2. Looking-glass self - our ability to see ourselves as another sees us.
3. Pygmalion effect - living up to or down to another expectations of us.
4. Role taking - the ability to put oneself in another’s place.
7. Spiral of silence theory
1. Public opinion - attitudes and behaviors expressed in public in order to avoid isolation.
2. Quasi-statistical sense - Personal estimation of the strength of opposing sides on a public issue.
3. Pluralistic ignorance - mistaken observation of how most people feel.
4. Hard core - group(s) at the end of the spiral willing to speak out at any cost
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